Astronaut Playing Saxophone Drawing
When I was younger, I was fascinated by astronauts. Thought it would be fun to be one. I still think what they do is interesting, but certain aspects are not so glamorous! I’ll often draw people/things playing saxophone, so here’s an astronaut with a sax.
Saxophone Player in a Whale
I was reading something online about whether a person could survive inside a whale. Someone commented that they breathe out carbon dioxide, which is somewhat true but a misleading statement at best (you breathe out 3x more oxygen than carbon dioxide). I decided to write my own set of reasons of why you wouldn’t survive …. Read More
Italian Funky March
Saw a video of a group marching and playing music in Italy. And dancing. The guy in front was directing and playing bari sax. Thought it was cool and started to learn some of what they are playing in the video. Thought it might be interesting to draw too.
Candy Dulfer on Alto Sax!
Candy Dulfer! Quick sketch. Known for playing with Maceo Parker and Prince among others. I had started learning one of her songs not too long ago, should get back on that. What are your favorite songs from Candy Dulfer?
Happy Mothers Day
I drew some flowers yesterday. One for my mom. And I was hired to draw a few more. Contact me if you’re interested in hiring me to draw something for you!
Drawing of a Pineapple Playing Saxophone, for David 2016
Sometimes I draw my friends on their birthdays. I started doing that a little while back. At first, my drawings were not great, but I think they appreciated the effort most of the time. I had drawn David two times before, but decided to do a different drawing this time. A pineapple playing saxophone!
Kosuke on the drums, drawing
I know Kosuke through Josh who is in two bands with me. Koskuke was also on a salsa dance team with some people I knew. I drew him on his birthday.
Sun and Planets Comparison
I posted an answer to a question that was related to the sizes of the Sun and the Earth on This diagram comparing the sizes of the planets was relevant to explaining the situation. Pluto ends up being a single pixel and the Earth is about six pixels wide. And the radius of the …. Read More
Ilya Koskelainen Saxophone Drawing
There are a few saxophone players on Instagram! Some I know personally, others I don’t but just like some of their photos. Since I play music, saxophone, I had wanted to be able to draw saxophone players. It took me a little while to figure out. The way I draw saxophones is often a little …. Read More
Felipe Gama, Salsero on the Camera
I have known Felipe for a few years now since we’re both salseros who go to some of the same events. Including Salsa by the Sea in Santa Cruz where people dance by the beach. He got some video for Salsón the other night at the SF Salsa Festival.